
welp, just slightly html-ified my journal!! ill see how it looks online rn and then ill put it on catbox and link it here :)

here's how it looks as of 4:38 february 10th 2024: appearance and for the code:

feel free to do ctrl+u on this site to check out my extra hidden notes :)

right now im learning how to do a table of contents to make this easier for me AND other people to read!

i give up for now :( i started this at um 4:40?? now its 7:42 and i GIVE UP but ill probably do it tmrw :)

oh yeah AND this site/journal will probably evolve a lot, so far it's just plaintext with markdown haha


aaaaah why cant they just have a full source code, maybe i should check stackoverflow?? -- 10:46


ill probably make those web sections, maybe join a webring, i originally planned on this just being one single text/html file with pictures and links...

but maybe this could become something bigger? maybe!!

well i figured it out!! look now i have a table of contents!!

ill put the code on codepen so that other people can have a dynamic table of contents as well!!!

state of this journal/website as of 1:10 PM sunday today~ and the code

i might put this on neocities...i dont have the money to pay for a whole domain...i could become a supporter?

yeah, i'll put it on neocities when i feel like it, maybe i'll do the supporter thing to give myself a cool domain name like 'gwen.net' or something :)

oh yeah forgot to mention my name is gwen!! not my real name obviously it's just my screen name and i've always identified with it?? some girl in my school has the name as well though but shes in the year above me so i dont have to deal with it <3

and this will probably get those linked pages as well, might put a navbar on the top or left side (left side cause i have the table of contents on the right!!!) but THIS text file will ALWAYS be the index.html one :)

i will be uploading some videos here soon it will be good for context for what im about to put here, im not gonna do it rn because im too tired genuienly
